Rural Atlas

The objective of this project is to create an open-access spatial data visualization tool; the Ontario Atlas of Rural Health Inequality to examine rural health inequities and health system access across the province of Ontario. It is hoped that this tool will enable health care stakeholders to understand and respond to the unique health care challenges faced by individuals residing in the rural regions of Ontario. The overarching goal of this platform is to provide rural system decision makers, health care professionals, and residents with a stronger evidence base for identifying health gaps, describing health needs and supporting policy and program development. This research endeavor will aim to address the systemic inequalities present within rural health care access and delivery, as well as fill the gap in knowledge of rural-centric data, in turn improving the health outcomes of rural Ontarians.

Below you will find four web applications that reflect the four thematic focus areas: rural health determinants and demographics, rural health indicators, rural health access and rural health infrastructure, services and environment.

Rural Health Atlas Projects

Applications created by Fatima Asad, Fozia Nur, Julia Bobiak, and Julia Morris for their MSc in Health: Science, Technology, and Policy final project.